“My Son’s Grades Have Skyrocketed!”

Watch how a mother worked with her son's teacher at Career Prep to help her son improve his grades and behavior at school to become a more well rounded adult.
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“My Son’s Grades Have Skyrocketed!”

Watch how a mother worked with her son's teacher at Career Prep to help her son improve his grades and behavior at school to become a more well rounded adult.
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Career Prep Blog

Student Success Story: Working With Parents

  • May 31, 2024
  • Admin

Every parent wants the best for their child, especially in education. In Dayton, a mother found more than a good school for her son John'tre at Career Prep High School—she found a second family.

A New Start in Dayton

Moving to a new city brings its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to finding the right schools for one’s children. For John'tre’s mother, a parent of six, the transition to Dayton marked the beginning of her search for a place that would not only educate her youngest son but would understand and nurture him as an individual. Her previous experiences had left her with a phone that rang all too often, filled with calls from schools that were quick to point out problems but slow to provide solutions.

Discovering Career Prep High School

The journey led her to Career Prep High School, a place that stood out from her first interaction with the staff. What caught her attention wasn't just the school's quality educational programs or its impressive campus. It was the strong sense of community and the genuine care the staff showed for their students.

Right away the school's hands-on approach and dedication to real-life skills impressed her. "I like the way that you tutor, I like the way that you educate, and I like the way that you are all hands-on,” she noted about her initial impression. The school's willingness to dive deep into the needs of each student stood out to her immediately.

Working With The Parents

The true test came when John'tre began to face challenges that needed a more personalized approach. Rather than feeling bombarded with complaints, John'tre's mother found herself part of a collaborative effort. She met with her son's teacher and together they were able to come up with a plan of how to help her son succeed and thrive in school.

"We double-teamed him," she recalled, describing a meeting with the school staff. It was an open discussion where she and the teacher could share openly and get on the same page to support John'tre both at school and at home

Working together made a difference quickly for John'tre. His grades improved dramatically and the dreaded phone calls stopped. Career Prep not only helped  John'tre with his grades but also gave him a stable, caring environment where he could thrive. "Ever since then, my son's grades have skyrocketed. He is really on the straight and narrow," she shared with a smile.


Looking to the Future

Now, as graduation approaches, John'tre's mother can hardly contain her pride—not just in her son, but in the school that has become their family. "My son is going to graduate this year and I am so proud of him and this team and the new family niche that we have found in this school," she says. “My son’s grades have skyrocketed!”

John'tre’s story is a testament to the power of finding the right educational environment. Career Prep High School isn’t just a place where students learn—it’s where they are understood, valued, and supported. "Gem City y'all rock!" John'tre's mother concludes.


John'tre's journey at Career Prep High School highlights how the right school can change not just a student’s trajectory but can also bring peace and joy to their personal life and their family. 

If you’re searching for a place where your child will not only be taught but celebrated and supported, consider joining our community at Career Prep High School. 

Contact us today to find out more.
