Frequently Asked Questions
Are there uniforms?
No. There is a general dress code like every other school, but no uniform. You will receive some school gear that we hope you will wear frequently!
Is the lunch good?
It is school lunch, but it is free. You are welcome to pack, shop at the school store, or wait until you get home to eat since the school day ends at 2pm!
How fast can I graduate?
That completely depends on YOU! We are a self-paced program where you have the opportunity to complete credits as quickly as you demonstrate mastery and complete assignments. If you complete 10 assignments per day, you can finish a half-credit course in less than 2 weeks.
How quickly can I finish credits?

***Remember, credits are not the only graduation requirement. Please see a staff member about Graduation Requirements***
Is this a GED?
No, if you graduate with us you earn a State of Ohio recognized DIPLOMA.
I didn't do well in a traditional school sitting for 8 hours a day, how is this different?
We offer different learning opportunities that meet your individual needs. We can tailor a credit flex program to what works best for you.
I'm really behind, can you help?
Sure! We offer credit-recovery options for students who have taken courses previously, but didn't earn credit. You can take a test for each course on your transcript, for which you didn't earn credit, and test out of the course by demonstrating mastery.
Are their activities at this school?
Yes! We have Prom, Graduation, etc... if there is a club or activity you are interested in, talk with your Success Coach!
I was involved in a lot of drama at my last school. Am I going to be able to stay away from drama here?
During your first day at our school, you will be partnered with a Success Coach who will show you how we track graduation progress. This Graduation Planner is shared with you and you have access to it 24/7. You can see at any point in time how many credits you need, what specific courses, which EOCs, and which Seals you need for graduation.
Do you have buses?
We do not provide yellow school busses; however, we do provide bus passes for the local bus transit authority (i.e. COTA). You will receive a bus pass to get home from school and a second to return to school the next day.