High School Diploma vs GED

High School Diploma
vs GED


Learn more about your
options and determine
which is right for you.

Your future is full of potential and you know an education will impact your life in many ways. You also know that you need to complete your high school education. Career Prep can help. It is a free, public high school where students graduate with a traditional high school diploma.

So what’s the difference between
a traditional high school diploma and a General Educational Diploma (GED)? A lot. They may seem the same, but where they will take you tomorrow are worlds apart.

Which path is the right one for you?

What’s your High School
Diploma Worth?

Earning a high school diploma can be more beneficial than getting a GED in many ways, including:

High school graduates earn an average of $1,600 more a month than those with a GED.

Career Prep is a free public high school where students earn their high school diploma. Taking the Ohio GED test costs up to $120.

If you want to go to college, your chances are better with a diploma. In fact, 33 percent of high school diploma holders earned a bachelor’s degree, while only 5 percent of GED holders did. The difference between a GED and high school diploma can also mean acceptance into college and receiving financial aid.

While a GED is supposed to be treated the same as a high school diploma, people with a high school diploma will often get hired before someone with a GED.

Career Prep requires attending class, while getting a GED requires passing one test. But missing class means your GED won’t fully prepare you for jobs or higher education the way a high school diploma does.
